Delightful Cat Seeks Roommate

Fey is a polite, playful cat who is looking for a new roommate—preferably one with two legs.

She’s a beautiful 2-year-old with a tuxedo coat who doesn’t need much to be happy. If you offer her a cozy place to sleep and a few felt mouse toys, she’ll reciprocate with contented purrs and unconditional affection. If you’re thinking of adding a cat to your family, please don’t overlook Fey. Four months is too long to live in a shelter.

In fact, during the time she’s been at Pets In Need, Fey has had a revolving door of feline roommates. 

The latest interloper is a 17-pound male named Hulk who hogs the comfortable beds, talks too much and monopolizes visitors. Fey responds by climbing to a tall perch and peering down at him with dismay.

It’s time to give Fey a break, and Hulk the chance to live without judgment. 

Fey can become your roommate through our foster-to-adopt program. This is a great way to learn if she is a good fit for your family prior to committing to adoption. To learn more, please email

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