A Generous Gift, But With a Twist

Burton and Maud Goldfield love a challenge. 

That’s why the couple pledged $25,000 to Pets In Need—and are challenging others to match it.

The match campaign will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 3, also known as GivingTuesday, an annual day of giving held the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. 

“We’ve been inspired by the work Pets In Need has done in Redwood City,” Maud said. “We believe there will be a similar outcome in Palo Alto.”

East Coast transplants, Palo Alto residents and philanthropists, Burton and Maud are passionate about rescue animals. 

Burton is the president and CEO of TriNet, headquartered in Dublin, Calif. Maud is a published author of two novels. Their 11-year-old rescue dog is named Liberty. 

The couple started volunteering for and donating to animal shelters and rescue groups shortly after marrying 38 years ago. 

“Wherever we’ve lived, we’ve sought out no-kill shelters,” said Maud. “They are an important part of any community.” 

Burton and Maud recognize the challenges of being a no-kill organization, particularly for public shelters that are required to accept some of the neediest animals, but don’t always have adequate space or money to care for them. 

“Our goal with this matching gift campaign is to raise awareness in a community that can well afford to set an example for other communities,” Burton said. “Palo Alto and all of Silicon Valley should approach this problem with both the funds and the creativity second to none.” 

Community members have a responsibility to local shelters, like Pets In Need, to help them maintain their no-kill status, Maud says. Residents should donate to and volunteer with their local shelter to support animal adoption, spay and neuter surgeries, humane education and other measures shelters take to prevent unnecessary deaths.

That is why the couple is asking both friends and strangers alike, to trust them. 

“We spent years vetting this organization,” Burton said of Pets In Need. “They do exceptional work and your money will be put to a good cause.

This time of year, you get a lot of requests. This is local, it’s impactful, it’s important.” 

All donations made to Pets In Need in honor of GivingTuesday will be credited toward the Goldfield match.

Donors who wish to contribute toward the Goldfield match before GivingTuesday, may do so at www.petsinneed.org/givingtuesday2019 or by sending a check to Pets In Need, 3281 E. Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA. 94303. Please include “GivingTuesday” in the note. 

All funds raised will support the Second Chance Fund, which pays for medical care for seriously ill and injured animals. 

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