Donate to Second Chance Fund

Sometimes the animals we rescue from public facilities have medical issues that require extensive medical treatment before they are ready to become available for adoption. Pets In Need's Second Chance Fund provides financial support to cover the cost of medical care for seriously ill and injured animals that we rescue. Treatment can include special operations, chemotherapy, dental work, behavior training and more. In certain cases, we will take animals with serious medical conditions to specialty clinics for surgery or treatment that we are not equipped to provide in our shelter. The Second Chance Fund allows us to provide this specialized life-saving treatment to wonderful animals that would be considered untreatable by many shelters.

Once we rescue an animal from a public facility, they become our responsibility and we are committed to providing comprehensive care and treatment for as long as they are with us. Your support of our Second Chance Fund will allow us to provide critically needed care to animals in our shelter and a second chance at a healthy and happy life.
