Ebony - Adopted 8/26

Ebony - Adopted 8/26


About Ebony

Estimated age: 11 weeks
Gender: Male
Size: 3 lbs.
Location: Palo Alto

Ebony is a brave and outgoing kitten who loves exploring new places and making friends with everyone, including cats and dogs. His curiosity knows no bounds, and he’s always eager to interact with his furry companions. Ebony is quick to purr, enjoys carrying his toys around, and adores curling up in laps for a cozy nap. He’s been friendly with visiting children, showing off his playful and affectionate side. If you’re looking for an adventurous yet cuddly kitten, Ebony is the perfect addition to your home.

Ebony was found as a stray and brought to Pets In Need by a good Samaritan.

How to adopt

Learn about our adoption process here.


For additional questions, please email adoptionspa@petsinneed.org or call (650)-496-5971

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