Olive - Adopted 08/30

Olive - Adopted 08/30


About Olive

Estimated age: 10 weeks
Gender: Female
Size: 2.5 lbs.
Location: Palo Alto

Olive is a sweet, purr machine who starts her motor as soon as you pet her. She loves to sleep in her cozy covered cat bed, but is just as happy being held in a blanket, purring contentedly in your arms. Olive is an gentle kitten who thrives in a calm home, where she can relax and enjoy peaceful moments. She gets along with other cats as long as they respect her space, and she enjoys gentle attention from her human companions. If you're looking for a laid-back and affectionate kitten, Olive will bring serenity and love into your home.

Olive was found as a stray and brought to Pets In Need by a good Samaritan.


How to adopt

Learn about our adoption process here.


For additional questions, please email adoptionspa@petsinneed.org or call (650)-496-5971

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